Where I hope My life Leads Me

I hope that after my time at ECC I will be able to work in any type of traditional setting for a few years, and possibly think of some type of after school program, or day-hab program for individuals with disabilities. I will also continue to be involved with moving miracles I just hope to be able to grow as a person with all the people that are brought into my life, who continue to amaze me.   

My Credo

   Occupational Therapy Credo
Christina Kasper

My job is to make the life of the individual the best it can be, and I will do whatever it takes to make it that way. I am not the boss of this individual, they tell me what they want and I find a way to make that possible.

            Occupational Therapists revolve around the whole person, mind, body, and spirit. While helping an individual I will not only find ways to help make their lives easier, I will get to know the person. Get to know what they want, what their life is about, and the things that they would like to do with their life.

            I never knew what I wanted to do with my life, I didn’t want to sit behind a desk all day, or teach any subject in a school. I didn’t want to be a doctor or a nurse, but I still wanted to help people. Occupational Therapy was the perfect thing for me. I love being able to get to know a person and help them to achieve their goals. I never have just assumed that someone would not be able to do something just because of a physical disability. I love being able to find a way to make their goals possible. 

            I have been involved with Moving Miracles for almost three years now. While working with a new dancer, it usually takes a few weeks to get to know them. Knowing their strengths, and what they would like to accomplish. I have worked with a particular dancer for the past two years. Before I worked with her, I didn’t know her story, or how strong willed she was . She not only has an amazing story, but she also is one of the strongest willed people I know. She wasn’t always in a wheelchair like she is today. This dancer was in a bad accident and it paralyzed her. She was the first person I had ever volunteered with, and I’m glad she was. Working with her was a great learning experience for me. During the first year we were working on strengthening her legs and arms. I did a lot of hand over hand stretches with her and a lot of stretches at the bar so that she was able to do more on her own. This dancer was really determined to be able to do tap without my help. The first year she got little movement, with my help. The second year she was able to tap on boards on her own with me holding them. With the determination, and with working on strength every day she was able to reach her goal. When first walking into the situation I didn’t question the fact that she would be able to reach her goal. I would never discourage a dancer saying that they would never be able to do what they want. I am amazed every time a dancer breaks a barrier and is able to do something amazing, that everyone thought they would never be able to do.

            In the "helping professions" spiritual health has implied the development of a sense of meaning and purpose, a sense of unity of oneself with others, and an acceptance of a greater purpose or reality (Desai, 1997) Altruism is the unselfish welfare of others, by caring, attitude and commitment, dedication responsiveness and understanding (Kanny, 1993) (Ecc.edu) Equality is very important in occupational therapy, I will not only think of my own beliefs, values and lifestyles, but also the other persons. When getting to know an individual their volition is a big part of getting better. Volition is basically our wants that drives us to accomplish what we want to do (Ecc.edu) Keeping all of these things in mind will help me make other people’s lives better.